In case the title doesn't mean anything to you, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are two games tenuously related in theme and plot, featuring an iconic art style that blew the minds of many a PS2 owner.
SoC especially was a game made of jaw droppingly awesome moments. You explored a vast, serene, largely unpopulated land in search of giant walking mountains that you then climb up and stab to death with a sword that hardly seemed big enough to slice bread with.
The sense of scale was perfect, and the way your puny main character was so easily tossed around by the Colossi really made you feel like you accomplished something when you took one down.
THE FUCKING POINT IS that these games are being revamped to hd quality for re-release (no word on yet if it will be a package deal or sold separately) and you seriously owe it to yourself to try one of the few games that I will safely define as "art". This of course is on the heels of the impressive looking "The Last Guardian" game which we have been teased with for something like a year now.
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